Is Leslie Cochran Wearing a Bluetooth Headset AND Cheer Uniform?



If you’re not familiar with Leslie Cochran, click here.  There’s really a lot going on in this picture.  I want to know what the kid’s thinking, what Leslie’s pointing at…and where the hell he got that cheer uniform from.
Location: Austin, TX

local_offerevent_note January 28, 2010

account_box brianrenner


2 thoughts on “Is Leslie Cochran Wearing a Bluetooth Headset AND Cheer Uniform?”

  • “click here” to reload the same page? That's of no help at all. I learned nothing of this Leslie Cochran character.

    I call shenanigans.

    1. It depends on what page you're on, the “click here” button just loads all of the Leslie Cochran tagged posts.

      And a tip of the shenanigans to you sir.

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