Hollyweird Hot Dog Stand

hollyweird_hot_dog_bluetoothI literally LOL’d when I saw this one snapped by @MatthewKlekner, THANKS MATTHEW!

The Details

Location: Hollyweird, CA (see the walk of fame in the background?)

Date: 7/22/09

Time: Time for that guy to quit being a C-list celebrity agent

What he ordered:  Giant polish sausage

Agent or Movie Thug?

I can’t decide, he’s dressed like an agent but I SWEAR I’ve seen him play a movie thug of some kind in some random movie…anyone else?  Either way he’s delusional if he thinks he needs his bluetooth while eating at a hot dog stand, and I think he knows it since he doesn’t look too amused that someone is snapping his picture.  Our submitter informed me that he played it off well as if he were taking a picture of his friend…good job Matthew.

Who’s he talking to?

Jean Claude Van Damme’s agency to see if he can play the big burly guy that gets his ass kicked at the end of Jean Claude’s next movie.  His argument is that it requires little to no acting skill and he’ll go down in the 2nd for sure.

local_offerevent_note July 23, 2009

account_box brianrenner


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