From Miami to Phoenix Bluetooth Douchebags in Five Guys Burgers

Skippy Matador’s Picture in Miami’s Five Guys [ratings] BTDB Creator’s Picture in Phoenix’ Five Guys [singlepic id=577 w=525 h=600 float=center] [ratings] As you can see, just because I’m the creator of this website doesn’t make


Skippy Matador’s Picture in Miami’s Five Guys [ratings] BTDB Creator’s Picture in Phoenix’ Five Guys [singlepic id=577 w=525 h=600 float=center] [ratings] As you can see, just because I’m the creator of this website doesn’t make

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“Sir, Please Wait for the “Close Deals” Sign to Illuminate Before Closing Deals”

[ratings] You know it’s just a matter of time before they add that or even replace the “no smoking” lights which have been obsolete for the last 30 years. Location: Chicago Submitted by: @whitejamesbrown


[ratings] You know it’s just a matter of time before they add that or even replace the “no smoking” lights which have been obsolete for the last 30 years. Location: Chicago Submitted by: @whitejamesbrown

folder_open Airport, Illinois, Twitter
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Which is More Stylish, My New Bluetooth Earpiece or My Stance?

[ratings] It’s almost like she knew she was posing for a picture, foot slightly askew, smiling, closing deals.  Still trying to figure out if her hair is erupting like a volcano or not. Location: Louisiana


[ratings] It’s almost like she knew she was posing for a picture, foot slightly askew, smiling, closing deals.  Still trying to figure out if her hair is erupting like a volcano or not. Location: Louisiana

folder_open Louisiana, Shopping, Twitter
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Message From All Deli Workers – Take Out Bluetooth Headset When Ordering

[ratings] “If I have a larger order do I get a discount?  Oh, I’m sorry deli worker, I was just closing a big manufacturing deal on my bluetooth headset…I’ll have a bran muffin.” Location: A


[ratings] “If I have a larger order do I get a discount?  Oh, I’m sorry deli worker, I was just closing a big manufacturing deal on my bluetooth headset…I’ll have a bran muffin.” Location: A

folder_open California, Restaurant
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Is There a Bluetooth Headset Under That Ski Mask?

[ratings] Apparently this guy had his phone in hand and was carrying on a conversation…perhaps he was simply reciting the safety sign behind him out loud so as to memorize it in case of an


[ratings] Apparently this guy had his phone in hand and was carrying on a conversation…perhaps he was simply reciting the safety sign behind him out loud so as to memorize it in case of an

folder_open Indiana, Public Areas, Subway
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Ships Passing in the Terminal

[ratings] I think this guy and that chick in the fur coat in the background are destined for each other…he closes the deals, she buys the furs. Location: Airport, Dallas TX Submitted by: @phoch00


[ratings] I think this guy and that chick in the fur coat in the background are destined for each other…he closes the deals, she buys the furs. Location: Airport, Dallas TX Submitted by: @phoch00

folder_open Airport, Texas, Twitter
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Now Available for Pre-Boarding at Gate 89, All Bluetooth Douchebags

[ratings] Apparently this guy was first in line, ticket in hand, closin’ deals on the bluetooth….1 hour before they even started boarding. Location: Unknown Airport Submitted by: Jeremiah


[ratings] Apparently this guy was first in line, ticket in hand, closin’ deals on the bluetooth….1 hour before they even started boarding. Location: Unknown Airport Submitted by: Jeremiah

folder_open Airport
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We’ve Got a Bogey in Section 6, I Need Backup!

[ratings] The sheer focus in her eyes scares me enough to have thought twice about posting her on the site…then again, she’s breaking a golden rule of bluetooth headests, don’t wear them to sporting events!


[ratings] The sheer focus in her eyes scares me enough to have thought twice about posting her on the site…then again, she’s breaking a golden rule of bluetooth headests, don’t wear them to sporting events!

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Do You Mind if I Close Deals While We Eat?

[ratings] This is the epitome of why I started the site….people have no manners these days.  If someone calls you on that thing while eating lunch with a friend are you actually going to answer


[ratings] This is the epitome of why I started the site….people have no manners these days.  If someone calls you on that thing while eating lunch with a friend are you actually going to answer

folder_open Florida, Restaurant
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